Expected Behavior
While Auto-Backup is on, a backup progress circle will appear near the top left corner of the Library after you edit and close a note.
If Backups Don't Run
If the backup progress circle doesn't appear, see whether Notability is in Safe Mode, which disables Auto-Backup:
- Open your device's Settings app.
- Tap "Notability".
- Disable Safe Mode.
If Backups Run but Don't Finish
If backups don't finish, Notability may have trouble backing up a specific note. If you imported a large or detailed file shortly before issues began, removing that file may fix things.
If you don't know which note causes problems, you can narrow in on the issue by limiting backups to a few subjects at a time:
- Open Notability's Auto-Backup preferences.
- Tap the gear next to your backup destination.
- Uncheck all but a few subjects to disable backups for those subjects.
- If Auto-Backup succeeds, reenable more subjects and repeat until it fails.