Use keyboard shortcuts with Notability to take notes faster and more efficiently!
Hold down the Command (⌘) key in Notability to see the shortcut menu. This menu only appears when a keyboard is connected.
Common keyboard shortcuts for iPad
Bold: ⌘-B
Create new note: ⌘-N
Create new note from Template: ⌥-⌘-N
Duplicate selected image, sticker, or ink: ⌘-D
Fast forward Audio: ^-Shift-Right Arrow
Go to top of note: ⌘-Up Arrow Key
Go to bottom of a note: ⌘-Down Arrow Key
Go forward one view: Space
Go back one view: Shift-Space
Go to next page: ⌥-Down Arrow Key
Go to previous page: ⌥-Up Arrow Key
Go back to the Library: ⌥-⌘-L
Help: ⌘-/
Indent: Tab
Insert Text Box: Shift-⌘-T
Insert Photo: Shift-⌘-I
Insert Math: Shift-⌘-M
Italics: ⌘-I
New Window: Shift-⌘-N
Night Mode: ⌘-I
Open Settings: ⌘-Comma
Open or Close Content Manager: ⌥-⌘-P
Outdent: Shift tab
Print: ⌘-P
Redo: Up Arrow Key-⌘-Z
Rewind Audio: ^-Shift-Left Arrow
Scroll up/down (for Text tool): Shift-Up Arrow Key
Scroll up/down (for all tools): Arrow Key
Search: ⌘-F
Underline: ⌘-U
Undo: ⌘-Z
Zoom to 100: ^-0
Common keyboard shortcuts for Mac
Close Window: ⌘-W
Create new note: ⌘-N
Create new note from Template: ⌥-⌘-N
Duplicate selected image, sticker, or ink: ⌥-click drag
Fast forward Audio: ⌘-Shift-Right Arrow
Go to next page: ⌥-down arrow key
Go to previous page: ⌥-up arrow key
Help: ⌘-/
Insert Math: Shift-⌘-M
Insert Photo: Shift-⌘-I
Insert Text Box: Shift-⌘-T
Italics: ⌘-I
New Window: Shift-⌘-N
Night Mode: ⌘-I
Open Settings: ⌘-comma
Print: ⌘-P
Redo: Shift-⌘-Z
Rewind Audio: ⌘-Shift-Left Arrow
Search: ⌘-F
Start Recording: ⌘-R
Show or Hide Library: ⌘-L
Undo: ⌘-Z
Zoom In: ⌘+
Zoom Out: ⌘-
Toolbox shortcuts
A tool's position in the toolbox can be customized, and the keyboard shortcut corresponds to the location of each tool:
Select Tool 1: ⌘-1
Select Tool 2: ⌘-2
Select Tool 3: ⌘-3
Select Tool 4: ⌘-4
Select Tool 5: ⌘-5
Select Tool 6: ⌘-6
Select Tool 7: ⌘-7
Select Tool 8: ⌘-8
Select Tool 9: ⌘-9
Start recording: ⌘-R
Fast forward Audio: ^-Shift-Right Arrow
Rewind Audio: ^-Shift-Left Arrow
Please note: The keyboard shortcuts skip the Ruler, Zoom, Recording, and Play buttons as these are not selectable tools.
Color and size shortcuts
When a tool is selected, the keyboard shortcuts correspond to the positions of each color and size option:
Select Color 1: ⌥⌘ 1
Select Color 2: ⌥⌘ 2
Select Color 3: ⌥⌘ 3
Select Color 4: ⌥⌘ 4
Select Color 5: ⌥⌘ 5
Select Color 6: ⌥⌘ 6
Select Color 7: ⌥⌘ 7
Select Color 8: ⌥⌘ 8
Select Previous Color: ⌥⌘9
Select Next Color: ⌥⌘0
Select Size 1: ^⌥ 1
Select Size 2: ^⌥ 2
Select Size 3: ^⌥ 3
Content Manager shortcuts
Copy: ⌘-C
Cut: ⌘-X
Delete: Delete Key
Paste: ⌘-V