1. Be awesome.
Notability and the Gallery are spaces to foster creativity, inspiration, and joy. Please remember that Notability is a safe space where users should feel welcome to participate and join in without fear of harassment, bullying, or threats of any kind.
2. No spam.
We encourage you to interact with other people’s posts! But these interactions should be genuine comments and likes, not disingenuous comments linking or highlighting your own content. Users who are participating in this sort of behavior may have their account hidden and or/banned.
3. Give credit.
The gallery is here to give you inspiration. Make sure you are crediting the creator when you are publishing notes or templates inspired by existing content.
4. No copyrighted material.
We encourage you to upload and create awesome, high quality notes to the Gallery, as this helps inspire other users to create cool things too! But do not upload, or encourage others to upload copyrighted material.
If you need to make a DMCA claim, you can find more information on our DMCA policy here.
5. Academic honesty.
We encourage you to make sure that you are demonstrating and upholding the highest honesty and integrity in your academic endeavors, as well as the way you interact with and use Notability and the Gallery. We recommend acquainting yourself with your school's academic honesty policy for specifics that may differ from what we cover here, but the main values of Academic Honesty we use as adapted from the ICAI are: Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Respect and Responsibility.
To read more about Academic Honesty and how it relates to how you use Notability please see our in depth article here.
6. Don’t post inappropriate content.
We want you to be posting content that is informative, helpful and inspirational for fellow members of the community. To help keep the community as welcome, safe and inclusive as possible, do not post content that is offensive or inappropriate.
This include content that is:
- Illegal
- Pornographic, mature in content, or gratuitously or overly sexual
- Racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive
- Shockingly graphic, grotesque, or obscene
- Inflammatory (e.g. name-calling, preaching, ranting, stirring up controversy, or venting frustrations)
Note: Our moderation team has the final say on whether content is appropriate.
7. Gallery posts are public.
Anything you publish to the gallery is available to the public. Make sure you are not publishing content that contains personal identity information to the gallery - this includes banking information, phone numbers, mailing or home addresses and email addresses.
How to report inappropriate content
If you see content that you believe breaks our community guidelines, you can report the content by navigating to the content and then pressing the three dots and pressing “report.”
This report is then forwarded onto our moderation team and they will review it.
If the content is deemed to have broken our community guidelines the content will be removed and depending on the severity of the offense, the user may have their account banned from our services.
For more in depth information, check out Notability’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.