To restore a PDF that has disappeared from the background of a note in Notability, follow these steps:
(The original PDF is required)
- Export the note with the missing background in .note format and save it to your hard drive (on Mac) or share and save it to the Files app (on iOS).
- Edit the exported file extension from .note to .zip when prompted.
- Unzip the .zip file to reveal the contents of your note.
- Drag or paste the original missing PDF into the "PDFs" folder (on Mac). On iOS, press and hold to move the PDF or select the PDF file and move it into the "PDFs" folder.
- Navigate to the "NBPDFIndex" folder and unzip the file to reveal an NBPDFindex folder. (If you do not see this folder, please contact our Support team for further assistance.)
- Open the NBPDFindex folder and copy the information in front of the .PDF (excluding ".PDF"). This copied string should resemble something like: FB544837-3C4B-4F70-A6D7-E7C9CB242E8C.
- Return to the "PDFs" folder from step four and rename the original PDF with the copied string.
- After pasting the string, compress the main folder into a .zip file.
- Change the .zip extension back to .note. When prompted, select to use .note.
- Open the file with Notability (on Mac). If an import error occurs, Airdrop the note to an iOS device. If iCloud sync is enabled, the note will automatically sync to the Mac.
Please note that there is no guarantee this process will restore your file, as the note may contain corrupted data. We recommend enabling Auto-Backup in your Notability settings.
For further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us.