Notability accounts are used for the Gallery and link sharing.
Notability accounts are unrelated to and have no impact on note storage, iCloud Syncing, or Auto-Backup. Notability accounts are not tied to any purchases.
Notability accounts are unavailable in Hong Kong and China.
Account Creation
- Create an account through this sign up link.
- Create an account by going through the steps to create and share a link.
- Create an account by tapping on Sign Up within the Gallery on your app.
Account Verification
After creating an account, you'll receive an email from Notability with a verification link. Tap on the link to confirm and verify your account.
Changing Email Addresses
Contact support if you'd like to change the email address tied to an unverified Notability account.
Email addresses can only be changed if the account has not been verified.
If you've already verified your Notability account, we recommend creating a brand new account using your preferred email address.
Changing Usernames
Contact support if you'd like to change the username for your Notability account.
Deleting an Account
- In your Library, go to Notability Settings > Manage Accounts.
- Select the 3 vertical dots on the right of Log out > select Delete Account.
- You must be signed in to your Notability account in order to complete the deletion process.
- Enter your Notability account password in the menu that appears.
- Follow the prompts and your account will be deleted in 7 days.
- If you sign back in using that same email address, the delete account action will be undone.